We iz a family of two kittehs.. Xamm and Arielle ~ Xamm is the mighty mancat-in-training who loves to play, nom and discover new napping positions ~ Arielle is the boss kitty who loves to play, purr and snoopervise all the proceedings and not-me incidents related to the hooman..
What were you looking at? Maybe a toy that you were thinking of pouncing on? And yes, once again Mommy said 'Awwwww' the minute she saw your picture.
How cute ! I think I dropped on another cat lover's blog, lol !
Wow, that is a pair that beats three of a kind any day!
Happy WW!
Cuteness overload!!!!!!!!!
This could be a commercial. They are so SWEET!
I hope you'll drop by for a peek at my WW contribution:
I'd like to wish you a wonderful Wordless Wednesday!
How absolutely adorable!!!!
Owwwwwwwww, they are so cute. My big kitty would eat them thought.
Come on over and guess the identify of my discriminated against female at History Is Elementary
ohhhh who cute! they are so adorable..;)
Happy WW! mine is here check it out if you have time..;)
Once again...Awww so adorable :)
Momma just wants to snuggle both of you really tight....she is melting over the site of both of you....
Momma don't become a puddle....
They are both adorable kitties. Just adorable. Have a great WW. :)
AWWWW. Ma wants to give you guys kisses.
That is absolutely the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. How do I go about getting some of these creatures? They learn quick?
Love it!
You two have to be the cutest kittens, ever!
hehe so cute!
Observing,taking it all in like a sponge :)
Leo and Fairy,you two are so cute!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
Whatever are you two watching?
Looks like you both have very powerful observation skills.
Besides being so darn cute.
Oh, I so want to grab them and cuddle them.
Happy WW.
Happy WW! Great photo. Sherlock and Dr. Watson?
My WW meme influenced by Oscar nominee Ruby Dee.
peace, Villager
beautiful cats!!
You two look adorable observing.
Meowm just squealed! Really loud and it hurted my ears! She says you two are SOOOOOOO cute!