Teaching Tuesday
When u iz the top cat of ur housie ~ it's important to teach ur babies how to go about scratching and marking ur territory as well as keeping those clawsies sharp...
We iz a family of two kittehs.. Xamm and Arielle ~ Xamm is the mighty mancat-in-training who loves to play, nom and discover new napping positions ~ Arielle is the boss kitty who loves to play, purr and snoopervise all the proceedings and not-me incidents related to the hooman..
That's so cute!
Luf, Us
Mom just screamed: "How incredibly adorable is that?!" Yeah. She never says things like that when we stratch on things that are not our stratchy box. Sigh.
It's good that you are teaching them how to scratch something like a box, instead of the sofa. That's an adorable video!
Most excellent scratching!
haha that was funny
nice work
hehehe, that's so preshus! You made Momma say SQUEE big time, and then she said LOOKIT LOOKIT LOOKIT and gotted Daddy to watch, too! How adorabble!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao.
Oh, SQUEE!!!
Mom and I are saying SQUEE together!
We are so overwhelmed by Kitty Cuteness that we might just pass out, *giggle*.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Great job Forest!!!!!You know you have succeeded when the beans start yelling to stop,hahaha!!
Purrs Mickey
Oh oh oh. That was just precious.
Make sure you teach the little one how to treadle on a belly and also how to howl for fudz. These activities are best done in the middle of the night!!
I love how Leo ducked between Forest and the box and started scratching, too. Great video!