We iz a family of two kittehs.. Xamm and Arielle ~ Xamm is the mighty mancat-in-training who loves to play, nom and discover new napping positions ~ Arielle is the boss kitty who loves to play, purr and snoopervise all the proceedings and not-me incidents related to the hooman..
Momma says that is a rub-a-dub tummy and kissable toes. She is always kissing my tosies!!!
But it's such a nice tummy!
that's a nice tummy!
we will miss Caesar so much
Tummies are meant for rubbing!
That's a lovely tummy.
We are so sad Caesar has gone to the Bridge. :( We miss him very much.
That is a beautiful tummy.
We will all miss Caesar very much. Please keep Prinnie in your prayers, she is now all alone after losing her brother (littermate).
Great pose Snow ;)
I'm sure Caesar would approve.
I miss him so much.
Purrs Mickey
Gosh, we are so sorry to hear about Caesar, prayers to his family. I don't know Snow, you have a tummy that Mom would love to rub. The only tummy that she gets to rub around here is Gizmo's. She sneaks in a few on me. Don't like it though.
Thank you so very much for my award. Thank you for being the first to send me one. It is so appreciated.
The maid said she isn't so sure about that expression - it reminds her of Anastasia when you had to be very careful with your hands, hahahahahaha!
We miss Caesar and our hearts go out to his family.
We will all miss Caesar!!
Your tummy is very lovely.
It was great of you to dedicate your Mancat Monday to Caesar. I miss him so much. My heart goes out to his family. That looks like a petable tummy, but the expression on your face would make me very wary.