Tuesday Teaching by Master Leo
When you iz playing with somefing and the humans try to take it, it's okay to growl and intimidate them to let 'em know that you iz a ferocious little mancat...
We iz a family of two kittehs.. Xamm and Arielle ~ Xamm is the mighty mancat-in-training who loves to play, nom and discover new napping positions ~ Arielle is the boss kitty who loves to play, purr and snoopervise all the proceedings and not-me incidents related to the hooman..
Yes, definitely! Thankyou so much for visiting and purring me while I was ill. I am better now, thanks to the collective purrs of the CB
Very cute! It looks like you are having fun there!
Leo, you are going to be a super duper Mancat!!!!!!!
You are doing very well in your training!!!!!
Purrs Mickey
You are so right! It is important to empahsize your ferocious mancatness occasionally.
That was an excellent growl!
You are really working well with your lessons. Well done.!!
OH that is so cute!!!
You did *great! And you sound very manly!
It sure does look like you caught what you were going for. Good for you Leo. Your training is going splendidly.