We iz Back!
We iz finally back...
It was tuff being away from all our blogging furriends but we made it back. While me, Forest, was snoopervising the affairs in the bean's absence...

The mancats of the snowforest clan were napping away...!!
The bean did say though he brought some present for us though I can't put my paw on it yet...there's a funny sound though when we move our heads...hmm gotta figure this out...

It was tuff being away from all our blogging furriends but we made it back. While me, Forest, was snoopervising the affairs in the bean's absence...
The mancats of the snowforest clan were napping away...!!
welcome back guys! Whats in the suitcase? It looks furry..keep away! x
Welcome back! I wonder what the present could be?
It's great to see you beeyootiful kitties again! And I wondur what is inna suitcase? Sounds innaresting!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Welcome back! We've missed you. *smile* And who is that, in the suitcase?
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Welcome home. Whatever could be in that suitcase--do not get too close, lest you are packed!
Welcome back!
Thanks for visting my blog. I have added a link to you and will be back later.
Welcome back! You sure are fluffy. Your coats must be warm.
jans funny farm
Hi. We saw you in Yao-Lin's comments and wanted to stop over. What a lovely family!
The Crew
Nice to have you back! I missed you and your kittens! What's there?
Oh my gosh...you're such cuties! :)
Dear SnowForest Clan...I have given you an award and hope you might come for a visit and pick it up for your blog.
Does that suitcase mean what I hope it means?
In my prayers always Miss Peach and the mommy
What a great bunch of cute mancats. That was mom talking, she should have said handsome mancats. No, they are cute mancats Casper, just like you are a cute mancat. Sheeesh!!!! Moms! Gosh you handsome mancats ought to be glad you have a Dad.