We iz a family of two kittehs.. Xamm and Arielle ~ Xamm is the mighty mancat-in-training who loves to play, nom and discover new napping positions ~ Arielle is the boss kitty who loves to play, purr and snoopervise all the proceedings and not-me incidents related to the hooman..
Wonderful photos of all of you! :) Leo are Fairy are so adorable! :)
Leo and Fairy
Momma said to tell you she fell all over in love with you.
Abby <~~~finkin Momma gets all googly eyed ofur kittens
Oh those were wonderful photos. I think you would do well in any movie!
All of those pictures are wonderful! Leo and Fairy are two incredibly adorable kittens.
That is a lot of thinking. Snow, I think you would be very good as the good looking action hero in the movies.
Forest, retaliation is totally in order.
Leo, they may be under the couch. That happens to me too. You are such a handsome, cute MiniMancat!
Fairy, you are so very cute and sweet we just want to give you ear scratches and tummy rubs.
Oh no, Forest looks very unhappy! Very nice pictures of the whole clan though!
Wow -- could you guys be any cuter?!
I mean... Pumpy and I are not hard on the eyes but you guys are ADORABLE.
Oh -- and I'm partial to white cats, too. :)
Every cat and their thoughts all look cute ! heehee
Thinking is too hard sometimes :)
Purrs Mickey
All you snow forest kitties look very sweet. I think you should start off in some fairy tale fantasy movies for children. That would give you some exciting adventures.
Oh congratulations! We're so happy that you finally got your own blog...and new babies!! This is very exciting. We just happen to disappear for a month coz of mommy's busyness at xmas time - and so much has happened here....
We are so glad to see everykitty doing so well and looking so very cute!
~Donny, Marie, Casey
Awwwww, what beeyootiful kitties you all are! Momma is sayin SQUEE SQUEE SQUEE cuz you are all so cute!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
There is some deep kitty thinking going on there. I would watch out for some "presents" from Forest if I were you, Omer. She looks really ticked off. Leo and Fairy are just so cute.
Awwwww... Leo and Fairy are absolutely adorable -- they make me feel all warm and fuzzy! And Snow and Forest are such beautiful kitties.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Boy Snow, you sure have a big selection of movies there. Did you pick a good one? Don't know Forest, I think you have to train your bean a lot better to get that box cleaned. But I know what you mean though, yucky when it's not cleaned on time. Leo you are to young to be forgetful. Fairy, you are a pretty little girl. Lots of thinking going there.
Mom likes the fiery kitty.