Play on Thursday
Careful observation leads to some useful play...
We iz a family of two kittehs.. Xamm and Arielle ~ Xamm is the mighty mancat-in-training who loves to play, nom and discover new napping positions ~ Arielle is the boss kitty who loves to play, purr and snoopervise all the proceedings and not-me incidents related to the hooman..
Oh my goodness . . . cuteness overload once again! Leo and Fairy, you are two adorable floofy kits!
How floofy you are! And what fun that looks like!
oh my gosh! we watched it twice! that is such cuteness. when fairy yawns, mommy makes a squeaky noise. my goodness you're such a fun furry family!
That is so sweet!
Mom is all silly over the cuteness of those sweet,super floofy kitties!!! Curious,playful kitties :)
Purrs Mickey
Ah, I thought Leo was stalking the camera strap. I find it interesting that Fairy woke up just as Leo started playing with the strap and joined right in.
Cute, cute, cute, cute,cute and CUTE!
You kittens have certainly gotten puffy and fluffy. Your faces are so innocent and sweet.
This is a beautiful video. It makes us happy today