Our Awards & Playful Kitties
We got our first awardies from Miss Peach and Mickey ~ fanks so much both you wunderful kitties :)

We wud like to pass these awardies to any kitty who hasn't got it so far ~~~ The awardies led to lots of fun and games for Leo and Fairy ~ the babies of the snowforest clan...
p.s. we iz sorry we aren't able to comment during these couple of days owing to sum problem with our new broadband connection that isn't allowing us to access blogspot bloggies... we hope it is sorted out soon~~

We wud like to pass these awardies to any kitty who hasn't got it so far ~~~ The awardies led to lots of fun and games for Leo and Fairy ~ the babies of the snowforest clan...
p.s. we iz sorry we aren't able to comment during these couple of days owing to sum problem with our new broadband connection that isn't allowing us to access blogspot bloggies... we hope it is sorted out soon~~
We sure do know the bloopers of the computer world. You will get it fixed. We have to wait to long for the UTube pictures to come up on ours. Anyhow whenever possible we do enjoy your visits. Have a great day Omer, Snow and Forest and all the little ones.
Your whole clan is just superduper CUTE! SS gets all gooey whenever we visit you. Good thing we live so far otherwise you might just have her at your doorstep wanting to cuddle all the kitties.
Hello kittycats. You guys are cute. My name is Poppy q and I thought I would drop in and say hello.
Congratulations on your awards.Love the video you two are so adorable.
I given you an award too.Please go to my blog and see :)
Concats on your awards! You all are so adorable. I just love seeing lots of pictures of you.
Congratulations on your awards! :) The video is adorable. :)
Congratulations on your awards. How could you get any cuter? Don't know, but you did.
You are so cute! And floofy too!
Hope you get your bloopers fixed...we have an old mac and it is hard sometimes for us to comment on other blogs.
Congrats on your awards!xoxoxoxo
Blogger can be bad sometimes.
Congratulations on your awards!
Babies busy at play! That is very, very cute.